Monday, December 25, 2006


And Merry Christmas to all, I promise I will have photos on this week!!



Friday, December 22, 2006

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Christmas In NEw Hampshire

Hello everyone!!!

Just want to post and say HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO EVERYONE!!! Tom and I had a great time in Ann Arbor, so hard to leave, but now we are back in Balmy coastal New Hampshire, 50 Degrees!! Crazy, and we are busy with work and holiday parties, but hope to be able to visit sometime again soon....

Love you all....


Sunday, December 10, 2006

Night Launch of the Shuttle in Florida

This is without a doubt a spectacular sight. The photo does not do it justice. The light on the bottom is the streetlight on my street. The shuttle literally lit up the night sky. Something not to miss if you are ever here in Florida when there's a shuttle launch. Posted by Picasa

Friday, December 01, 2006

The Mercers enjoying Thanksgiving!

Kerri, Fred, Allison and Evan - the Mercers enjoying Thanksgiving! We all ate too much and kept on eating for the next four days: turkey, ham, stringbean casserole, sweet potatoes, stuffing, apple pie (guess who made that one!) and pumpkin pie - Kerri the cook made a fab Pumpkin pie.
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Thursday, November 30, 2006

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Pictures from Nana + Papa Jim, Love to all !!!!

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Thanksgiving Weekend 2006 (cont)

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Monday, November 27, 2006

Much, Much, Much Thankfulness!

We had a great visit.....Happy, Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving- Victoria style

Handsome men, beautiful women, darling babies.....we've got it all!

Thanksgiving- Victoria style

More Michigan Thanksgiving!

Games, cousins, brothers ,sisters, mom's, dad's, nana's, papa's, aunts, and uncles.....great food, wine, song (mom had composed one for each traveling family), swimming at the MAC (the uber spa), movies, 50 degree and sunny weather. It was perfect except for the fact that there were dearly loved people who we were missing.

Michigan Thanksgiving!

Mom and Dad hosted a Thanksgiving slumber party and we had an awesome time.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Visit with my childhood friend and Happy T-DAY!

Now this is why we moved back to Michigan....I am so happy to be back with family and old friends.
Sue and I met in 5th grade and now we're 51??? Impossible, but apparently true. Yesterday, her Mom Shirley and son Matthew came to visit with all of us.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Let's get some more pics on this thing!
Come back everyone.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Happy Fall!

Hello everyone! This is Leslie, using Liz's computer. See that huge smile on my face? It's a real one. I am so glad to be up here with the kids. We are settling in and re-acquainting ourselves with Ann Arbor which is a wonderful town.
Can you believe that the holidays are upon us? It seems like once August comes the rush begins. I'd love to hear what everyone is doing. Lois? Phyllis? Ellen? How about sharing your holiday plans and photos?
Markel and I are thrilled to be going to Mom and Dad's with Liz, Dylan and the kids because Mary and her whole family will be coming for Thanksgiving. We can't wait.I hear that Doug and his family will be over on the day after T-day.
Hopefully Eva and her Tommy will be coming to visit sometime in December. We wish that they Vanessa and Lynne could be there for Thanksgiving too. It's always hard to be away from family during the holidays.
I hope that everyone jumps back on here and posts pics of the holidays- love you all- leslie

Sunday, October 29, 2006


TOOK A DAY WHEN Dolores was here to go into the mountains and do some serious leaf peaking!! We also did a wine picnic in the nearby woods...along the way we had an encounter with some was a spectacular we were lucky and were able to take some great photos!! Like someone else in the family to and then besides me and Eva..HELLO!!! any family out there!!!!

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