Sunday, June 18, 2006

Father's day greetings from Michigan

Father's day......2006.......................................Here's a picture of our lovely family the last time we got all of us together at Doug and Lisa's home in Mount Pleasant.
The only one missing is Juniper.
Here's dad....the daddy of them all...posing for a picture I took in Florida on one of our many vacations in Madeira Beach.
And even our dog Bitsy stood right up to wish Jim and all of the other fathers in our family...HAPPY FATHER'S DAY
How about this handsome dude with no grey hair. What a hunk...Huh??? Taken at Kresge Art center when he was a professor there.

So...happy Father's Day to all of the Dads in our family.

Love you all.....Phyllis and Jim, alias Nana and Papa and even Nana two and Papa Two. Posted by Picasa


EVA said...

YEAHHHH!!! you did it Nana!!!What great pictures,,, and I hope you have a great day.... what are you guys doing today???

Leslie Victoria-Leland said...

Good Job Mom...on the blog, and on the hunk, which he still is, by the way!
Happy Happy Father's Day, Dad! Thanks for everything, love you- Leslie