Saturday, September 09, 2006

Very Sad News

Yesterday, Emma was hit by a car and killed. We are staying out in the country at a friends farm and she escaped the fenced in area that she adn the other dogs stay in and got out on the road. Thankfully, she was killed instantly and didn't suffer. Markel found her and I didn't have to see her before he buried her. We are very sad.  Posted by Picasa


EVA said...

Momma I am so sorry! I know how much you loved Emma, and what a sweet dog she was. I hope you are ok... and I will be in touch soon, my phone has to be turned back on. I miss you and love you dearly... I am thinking of you
Love Eva

Lois, Eli, and Hannah said...

Hi, this is Eli, Aunt June, CAROL, Hannah,Lois, and Cinnamon, and Fred, and we are soo sorry to hear about your loss, we know that Emma was the dearest thing in the world to you, and I CANNOT even imagine your pain!!! we love you!!!very very sad...hang in there, ok...