Sunday, October 29, 2006


When Dolores came to visit a few weeks ago, we took a little trip to Markleeville, Ca. where the leaves turn color like in New England. We brought a little picnic lunch and ate it in the trees!! (drank a little wine too!)..ran into some horses, scratched their noses and then we galloped away. It was a beautiful day and we took a million pictures.....HAPPY TRAILS.......CAROL

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Anonymous said...

yes, the cowgirls of new england had a great picnic and day with the horses! We really did have a good time- met some interesting people along the way too. Not just the horses!
I am still anonymous because I forget how to get back on this blog thing! Hard to believe I can be so literate in computers but the simplest things are over my head! Del Rio

Leslie Victoria-Leland said...

Looking good ladies....what fun! I want to be a cowgirl too!

I agree Carol, let's get this thing going again...come on everyone it's winter, lots of time to play on the computer again I should be able to start posting photos again soon. Liz's computer went on the blink too, but it just came home from the hospital and is better than ever!

We are working ourselves out of crisis mode slowly but surely and I will have my own computer again soon.

Dolores, send me your e-mail address and I will re-invite you so you can choose a new password

Leslie Victoria-Leland said...

dolores my email is