Monday, January 22, 2007

leslie and markels new place in Michigan

Here we are, in our (not too) wintry home. It has been as mild here as it has everywhere else in the northeast.
The top photo shows our house and barn, which has been being re-roofed all fall and is still in progress
. It just happens to be the oldest stone structure of it's kind in Ann Arbor, built in 1892.
We haven't really settled into it yet because of the work being done, but this spring, summer and fall it will be great and we will do our best to winterize it before next winter. Markel has had to do a lot of our work outside, a chilly contrast to the wonderful work conditions in Florida.
We know it's right to be here though and we'll get it all worked out. Everything takes longer than you think.
The other shots are the interior and our Christmas tree.
We live two blocks from downtown Ann Arbor, which is a wonderfully charming and thriving little city.

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1 comment:

EVA said...

Great Pics mom, love you, and great to have you back!!!