Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Happy Birthday to our lovely girl!

Have a wonderful day Eva Bean! We love you so much and we hate that we are so far away from you. We will be thinking of you all day tomorrow and I will be reliving the day of your birth as I do every year from waking up at 5:30 in the morning in labor to giving birth to you at 5:30 in the afternoon.

I'll be remembering the 28 years I've had with you from those first few thrillingly precious moments of seeing you and holding you for the first time to now, the talented, intelligent, beautiful woman that you have become, and all of those wonderful years in between. 28 years! Just too crazy to be believed. I am so proud of you and so happy to see what you have accomplished my darling....I just wish we all lived closer to one another!

May your dreams come true sweet girl. You are making it happen. Believe. Believe. Believe. I love you with all of my heart.

...and very big love to everyone else in the family too, family and friends. I love you all- leslie
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Anonymous said...

Happy Happy! to a fellow Libra! Hope your day is great and you get lots of kissed from your furry loved ones!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday from yet another Libra!


Anonymous said...

Well Happy birthdays to all you Libras! We will have to celebrate in Maine and also drink a toast to Sharon - now HER birthday's are something else! Wow, what a party she threw last year....
Happy birthday Eva, Happy birthday Lynn, Happy birthday Sharon - I also think it is Sara's birthday too (Justin's pretty wife) - OH, and how could I forget my little Alex who will be 13 this month! HEre's to all of you
love ya all
dolores I wil remember how to get back onto this one of these days.