Saturday, August 05, 2006

Aunt Margie Has been Accepted!

We have good news to report.
Our Mom has been accepted into an Alzheimer's study called, Brain Matters. The study is going on nationwide, and Mom is the only person accepted from the Florida area. She had to pass a battery of tests, both mental and physical, to be considered. They are thrilled that she is in such good shape. (as are all the Balsers!) The study uses a vaccine that helps remove the sticky plaque that has built up in her brain. They have seen some patients actually regain some function! We are not expecting a miracle, only hoping to slow the progression. Mom will be getting the vaccination on August 14. Please say prayers, keep fingers crossed, do a brain dance or anything else you do! We need lots of good vibes going out to Mom!

1 comment:

Leslie Victoria-Leland said...

Thank goodness! Soooo happy to hear this news. I know it is no secret that Aunt Margie is cherished by all of us. She has been such a generously spirited, loving and involved person to all of us. love you- leslie