Wednesday, August 16, 2006

MY Chef has finally made it home Leslie!

WELL, as you an see Leslie, the Chef now has her permanent home, and before she left, Dolores put the final touches on the wall. This is over my kitchen counter, and I love her so much, and I think of you, and Key West, everytime I look at her! Thanks my dear cousin! Carol The Contessa!
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Leslie Victoria-Leland said...

YAYYYYY!!!!! not bad, it only took a year, but you'll be happy to know that I'm back on my meds and I'll be much faster at everything again-----love the painting around it, you talented women you! love- leslie
p.s.: call me Carol I need to talk to you about something

Anonymous said...

The chef looked so good we decided it needed a little fancy lettering around the edges...
delrio the calligraphy artist