Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Listen to the water...

Carol and I took a trip up to Markleeville, CA for a picnic last year about this time and happened to come across this Truckee River scene. It was her suggestion that I photograph it. She liked it so much she used it as a screen saver.
Just wanted to share a peaceful thought of a beautiful place with a nice memory of Carol.
We had a wonderful picnic - met two ladies who were also picnicking and celebrating their birthdays. We shared cake (my birthday too!), and of course a glass of wine. It was a marvelous day - and a marvelous memory.
We always said we would file these wonderful scenes away so we could reminisce about them when we were rocking in our rocking chairs at the "home"....


Ellen said...


Thank you for sharing such a beautiful and personal memory with us.


Leslie Victoria-Leland said...

Dear Dolores,

What a beautiful, amazing photograph. You and Carol had such an adventurous friendship. I was always hearing great stories about the two of you and your wanderings from Carol.
love, leslie