Sunday, September 02, 2007

a very recent photo

This was sent to me today, by my cousin Ellen. Ellen and Carol were the closest in age of all of the cousin's. Carol was the eldest, the trail blazer. Ellen, just a few years after Carol, was the second baby born to the amazing three sisters, Aunt June, Aunt Margie and Aunt Phyllis.

Carol and Ellen have always been very close. This photo was taken just this past June at Ellen's house and pictures, in addition to Ellen and Carol, my cousin Phyllis (Carol's god-daughter), Aunt June (Carol's mother), Aunt Margie and Uncle Jim (Ellen's and Phyllis'parents).

As Ellen pointed out to me in her e-mail, Carol's illness was not visible here, though she wasn't feeling well. She looks great doesn't she? She loves her family so much.
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1 comment:

Ellen said...


Don't forget....YOU are number three!!!! After Carol and me.....comes you in the birth order of the cousins.

Carol reminded me that I would be the matriarch after her...want to share the spot with me??? I think it's gonna take two people to make up for one Carol.
