Friday, May 12, 2006

Commenting on the blog- 101

Comments are possible making this site more personal and interactive for all of us. Leaving comments lets people know that they are being heard and are an important part of the blog-play.

So, I wanted to point out to everyone who has been posting and those who are checking in and reading, that comments are being left after the blogs are if you posted, make sure that you check to see if anyone has left a comment for you.

And if you are just coming on to read, make sure to leave a short comment or three, by clicking on "comment" underneath the blog and then following the'll also have a chance to see what others have written when you click on comment. You do not HAVE to sign in to leave a comment if you don't want to....anyone can leave a comment, whether or not you're a member of blogger.

The word verification (the wavy letters that they ask you to copy in the box provided) is to prevent spammers from leaving advertisements on our blogs.
F.Y.I.: Clicking on the little pencil symbol allows you to do an on-the-spot edit, if you left out a word for instance. Figuring out the links will have to be someone elses job. I also haven't figured out how to add a photo to the profile, but eva has.....

So write a little something and give a little love (especially to the kids, who will really get a kick out of it)....everyone checks to see if anyone left a little message, let's get interactive.

Fabulous new photos from Phyllis and Eva below- love you all, leslie

1 comment:

EVA said...

Hey Commentator, Im leaving a commment to tell you how mcuh I agree that comments are a crucial part of this website, I for one look forward to comments, and Im so glad to be able to comment on this.
The commentee