Monday, May 29, 2006

Some pictures from my trip to New Delhi

So, I just got back from India, I was in New Delhi, which was about 110 degrees in the shade. It was incredibly hot, but also a blast. I took a ton of pictures, but I dont want to overwhelm the blog with all of them at once, so here is the first installment.
The first pic above is of a little girl, maybe 3 years old, who was walking around the market dressed as shiva, and she was so adorable. You cant tell from this picture, but she had a long ponytail down her back, and it was one of the cutest things Ive ever seen.

Next is a picture of the outside seck at one of the restaurants in our hotel. It was a beautiful place, chelsea clinton was there on the last couple of days that I was there. I spent a lot of time at the pool drinking fresh mango daquiris(sp?), and mojitos. There were hardly any americans, in the hotel, and in India in general.

This is a picture of the produce section of the outdoor market that we shopped at every day. This is where you can buy clothing, shoes, bags, silk, saris, ANYTHING. It was incredible. There were fresh ripe mangos piled on wheelbarrow type carts, papayas, lichees (SP? They were SOOOO delicious- Id never had a lichee) bananas, and all sorts of other fruits. There was also a spice market, where they were laying out all kinds of spices, burning nag champa incense, and weighing beautiful bulbs of shiny fresh garlic. I have never seen garlic look so beautiful. Huge bales of raw cotton fluff, and tea, and the most beautiful furniture, lanterns, and textiles I have ever seen.

This is the market early in the morning. It doesnt get going until about 11:00 am, and it goes until about 10:00 pm. As you can see, its very dirty and poor. There are beggars everywhere, and they grab you, and its extremely overwhelming. The people were very fascinated, they were curious, following us around, asking me questions, where Im from, do I like India, Namaste..... It was very sweet, they were very good people. I am very intrigued now by the Hindu culture, and I plan to read more about it.

This is me negotiating a silk deal in an attic in the middle of the market in about 115 degree heat. As you can see, Im sweating profusely, and surrounded by beautiful silk fabric. The clothing was SO beautiful, and Im really proud of what I picked out. I cant wait to see how it looks it the store.

I loved my trip, and I had a blast, there is so much to tell, and I will keep everyone updated on the next installation. I love you all, I need to go lay down, I am EXHAUSTED from my travels!!

1 comment:

Leslie Victoria-Leland said...

WOW!!! So incredible and so cool, lychees, bananas, and mango cocktails by the pool, exotic people and goods- your head must just be spinning. I'm so glad it was a good trip and you are home with another adventure under your belt- love you, MAMA