Saturday, May 13, 2006

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Happy Mother's Day Mom! ...and Nana B. (I'm thinking of you!), Aunt June, Aunt Margie, Aunt Janice (my dad's sister), Carol, Ellen, Lois, Mary, Janet, Lisa, Phyllis, Amber, Liz, and Sarah.

We have wonderful, strong women in our family, and I have so much love for all of you- love- leslie

Hope you have a great day and you get spoiled by your families.

photos- top: Nana, Mom, andleslie

bottom: leslie, eva, rick (thanks for the genes and little else).....liz in the oven ( a few days before she was born) Posted by Picasa


Leslie Victoria-Leland said...

yeah, what did I know about men in shorts? what a big disappointment he was....I had the wrong red-head, but he did give me cute babies.

EVA said...

how sweet !!! Happy Mothers day to everyone!!!