Friday, August 10, 2007

I saw this rainbow the other day as I was riding up the New Hampshire coast. I immediately pulled over and took this picture. I have been thinking of modern miracles, and truly believe in them, and believe in the healing power of love. Our family has so much love, and we all love you so much Carol. You would have appreciated this, as you seem to be able to see the joy in any experience. All the love, charm, energy and liveliness you have brought us must regenerate to you. I love you Carol and hope that the love we send you is present in your mind as you go through this time. You are in my prayers and thoughts every moment.

Love, Eva


Ellen said...


What a beautiful shot! Thank you for such an uplifting scene. The majesty and serenity in nature is a miracle, isn't it!

Just what we needed, girl!

Love, Ellen

PS. I see you have the same gift for writing as your mother!

Mary said...

Oh Eva, How Beautiful I cried when I read this.
Carol, I am feeling your pain and so glad you are sharing everything with us. We all love you so much..
Ellen, I will transfer everything from the blog to "word". There has been some beautiful things written and everything is worth to keep!

Leslie Victoria-Leland said...

oh my goodness, what a beautiful photograph, and the fact that you could capture it and that we all could see it....I love you so much my darling.
We're just back from our show up north in nothern Michigan. It was a wonderful time, a solid show. The artists all around us were delightful. We always meet great people.
We drove a lot of back roads on the way home. The gardens we saw and the quaintness of small town America.... We passed the most amazing Victorian houses as we drove through the little towns.
It's always great to be back home.
love you all.