Sunday, August 05, 2007



HAD a entire meltdown this my masectomy surgeon finally called me back on removal of both breasts in a couple months..and he won't do it until the cancer is clean around the margins..therefore putting this in the hands of my holesic healers..and I just broke down and cried my heart off that I am making the right decision on just all hit me like a ton of bricks..I know that I am I am moving forward..but the reality of all it and this alternative treatment is so scary to me..yet I will not do the poison of traditioanl in my body..I called Dr, Bob my Holistic guy later and he called me back,,and talked to me about it..and said there are other surgeons out there,,and please know that this will not be an overnight cure..even trad chemo goes like that..and to look to my higher power right now..and get back to positive Justin is coming later.I just took a walk up to the pond..sat and


Mary said...

Hi Carol,
I am so sorry to hear about what happend this morning.. You are going through so much! Glad you were able to talk to your Dr. in the alternative care.. you need to do what you feel is right for your body.
So the fundraiser is the 31st of this month?
What a great event that will be!

I got the teaching job at New York School for the Deaf teaching Computer Graphics.. I am a little nervous since I have not taught computers in ages! I have a lot of re learning to do before school starts! But the classes are small only 150 students in the whole school most of the kids have other issues besides being deaf since most deaf children are mainstreamed in the public schools.
I will be teaching mostly H.School and some middle school. I look forward to teaching again.

I love you,
Mary and the rest of my "gang"

Ellen said...

Hope you're feeling better. Glad Justin is coming over.

You have an awful lot of decisions to make.

Follow your heart!

Remember, we love you!

Anonymous said...

You have done so well so's not surprising that you broke down- you needed to do that.
Thinking of you all the time! Lit a candle for you in Washington at the Immaculate Conception Church. In front of the Virgin Mary...she's listening!
Love ya

Anonymous said...

Oh man...hope my comments are getting through...haven't seen them in the margin but I did one yesterday.
Read about the awful reactions to the treatments and really, really hope that all this is the key to your finally getting some relief. Jim and I talk about you and all of the fun we have had and how much we love and miss you and hope that soon you will feel better. Love, Aunt Phyllis and Uncle Jim

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow is our anniversary...we have been married forty six years...can't believe it. Had ups and downs, of course but stuck together thru thick and thin. 1961 seems such a long time ago. Remember when you came for our and Don?. That was a lot of fun. Our kids did the whole thing and we still have the blow up pictures of us on our wedding young!! Jim at 28 and I at 32. Ah, those were the days although I would not like to go and relive them. I am comfortable where I am now.