Thursday, August 09, 2007

looking for Carol

Hi, this is Leslie. I have gotten so used to looking for Carol's check-ins and when I didn't find one this morning I missed her terribly. Maybe others of us feel the same way. I called her and maybe others spoke personally to her this morning too. She didn't ask me to do this, but I wanted to report about what kind of day she had yesterday and about her morning. We didn't talk long, so there isn't a lot to report, just the basics. She is going to try to write later on this afternoon or evening.
Yesterday was another tough day for her and once again this morning she woke up in pain and Don had to massage her into action, into being able to leave her bed to get up and go to the center for more boot camp.
She has a dear friend coming from San Fransisco for the weekend and she's looking forward to that.....that's about it. She'll write later and maybe others have more news to share- love you all, leslie


Anonymous said...

Just another message hoping and hoping that all this will be a memory soon as Carol gets better and can say how wonderful medical science can be. You never can tell how things can go and we, of course, always hope for the best.

Aunt Phyllis and Uncle Jim who love you so much.

Anonymous said...


Ellen said...


Thank you for your entry today. I find myself checking in with the blog WAY too often if Carol hasn't written anything, and worrying.

I did speak with Aunt June and she just said that Carol had had a bad morning today. Carol will check in with her later this evening.

Carol, your words are becoming as important as the great authors of our time. Please speak to us if you can!!!!

Love you and hope you are feeling better today. Don't like you being in pain like this.


EVA said...

Oh I hate to hear about Carol having a bad day at all, even a bad moment!!

I love you Carol and every cell in my body is aware of you, and praying that this healing will happen quickquickly...
So much love,


LynnQ said...

Even though I haven't met Carol in person yet I am thinking of her constantly and I check the blog several times a day also. I am trying to come out for the fundraiser so I can finally hug her in person & find out how wonderful my new Cousin is. Please make sure someone keeps me informed if she can't write herself. My email is Thanks to all of you for the support you give her and for being there for her. I look forward to meeting you all soon.
