Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Majorette Baton has been passed...

And Justin...I will hold you to that mantra of "free, sober and strong." And believe me, if I have to come out there to smack you upside the head (known as a dope slap to some of us) I will. Ask Kerri, my daughter...I traveled from FL to CT one day because she couldn't control her mouth on the phone to me. The dorm at Central CT State was never the same after I left...So be good or Mama Dolores won't be so quiet. (You are so observant)
I love you too!
Your Mom would be so proud of you - She left us all here to be sure that you knew that even if she wasn't here to tell you.
Love ya sweetie! xoxoxo for Jake and Sarah
---- and have that AC fixed in the Benzie! Talk about HOT. OMG - Even I thought it was hot and I love the heat!


Anonymous said...

Hello family...I have no idea how a blog works, but I will try to leave a few words...this family blog meant so much to Carol. After meeting so many of you and instantly loving you all, I hope I can be a family member, too, but do I have to talk in that goofy Bostonian accent? If so, I'll try. Am missing my best friend, so I went outside with her baton, which she gave me. (We were both majorettes in highschool) I was twirling and crying and throwing it up in the air and crying and finally it came down and hit me in the head! I think Carol was telling me to STOP IT. We won't stop crying for a long time, if ever, but luckily we can also laugh remembering the fabulous times we had with this exceptional woman. How blessed we are to have shared moments with her. I know my life is better because I was a friend of Carol Hardy. Love you all...Polly

Leslie Victoria-Leland said...

....oh my, me too, I had a similar experience of crying and moping and feeling as though I heard Carol say to me, "Just cut it out, get up, get going, stop feeling sorry for yourself....." Can't you just hear it? She sure wasn't a moper, that one, exceptional yes, moper, no.